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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

Writer's picture: The Hamilton PostThe Hamilton Post

Quiet your mind and hear God whisper today, "You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made."

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” - Psalm 139:14

Isn’t it so cool how the Psalms are a constant P.S. of hope & praise, lifting up words of thanks to our creator? There are no mistakes in the marvelous works made by His hands. And that includes you.

In this world, everything and everyone wants you to miss the beauty of your uniqueness. They say don’t be different, stay in line, fit the mold and pass the time. But God says, how can you possibly want to blend in when I have made you to stand out.

Don’t go through life wondering, What if. Know that YOU ARE. All that you need to be the person you’ve been made to be has already been delicately placed inside you. Embrace who you are today, fearfully and wonderfully made one. Because, there will never be another you.

Prayer Excerpt from Hope in the Hopeless: 30 Prayers of Hope + Thanksgiving by Audrey Buchanan 

Thank You, Lord, for making me different. Thank You, for creating me for a very specific purpose. I trust that in seeking You, all Your plans for my life will come to pass. Thank You, for freedom and timeliness. You are never late, and in Your presence I am free. Please guide and direct me today as I choose to walk the path that you have so preciously created just for me. In Jesus' name, amen.

Need Hope? Click Here to Download "Hope in the Hopeless"

Audrey Buchanan

Author | Writer | Photographer

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